Tag: Physician Wellness
Weekly Wellness: Prioritizing Mental Health
Dr. Jess Badwards reminds physicians this week that the world does not stop if you take the time to care for your own mental health. So make the time to care for yourself – even if it means taking a day off. Consider scheduling it into your […]
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Weekly Wellness: Getting through it
We’re not the first generation to live through a pandemic. And, unfortunately, we likely will not be the last. But knowing that – and being on the front lines of it – does not make it any easier to bear. It doesn’t erase the facts of […]
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Weekly Wellness: Find the solution
December 3rd, 2020by: USACS
When you see something that needs done, do you simply do it – even if it’s “not your job”? At work? At home? In the grocery store lot, if someone left a cart right in the middle of the lot? Sometimes just doing what needs to be done makes everyone feel better – especially yourself! […]
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Weekly Wellness: A Break?
Taking a break is vital to self-care. But sometimes, in the midst of overwhelming responsibilities, pressures, and deadlines, we feel like the last thing we can afford is, in fact, a break. Especially if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms: Lack of energy Low motivation […]
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Weekly Wellness: Benefit of the Doubt
Have you subscribed to Dr. Jessica Badwards’ Weekly Wellness newsletter? The thoughtful newsletter, focused on physician – and human – wellness can be delivered right to your inbox once you subscribe. This week, Dr. Badwards shares a story about an incorrect perception she had of someone […]
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Weekly Wellness: Get moving!
“If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness” – Robin Sharma Your health is the most important thing. It controls your mood, your sleep, your ability to do your job, and your happiness. Remember that exercise doesn’t necessarily mean […]
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Wellness Wednesdays: Forgiving Yourself
Becoming a physician is a long process, and to get where we are, we’ve had to hold ourselves to the highest of standards. As such, we are our own harshest critics. In our profession, that can make things difficult. We are human. We make mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes are the difference between life, death, […]
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