Transition Care
What the NY Times Missed In Its Praise of Maryland Healthcare
August 29th, 2013by: Dr. Angelo Falcone
The NY Times on Wednesday published a much needed and fairly adulatory story about the Maryland healthcare system, focusing much of its praise on Western Maryland Health System – a long time MEP partner. The story rightly pointed out two key differences between Maryland’s healthcare system and all the other states. One is the “Total […]
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Primary Care Vs. Transition Care: The Turf War that is Contributing to More 30 Day Re-Admissions
July 17th, 2013by: Dr. Michael Cetta
The lack of access to primary care physicians is a well-known problem impacting our healthcare system. The problem sends all sorts of negative ripples through the system, not the least of which is increasingly crowded emergency rooms packed with patients whose conditions could have been addressed earlier and cheaper had primary care been available.
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The Time is Now for Transitional Care
May 13th, 2013by: Dr. Michael Cetta
Right now hospitals around the country are being asked to reckon with some stark realities regarding readmissions. $17 billion a year is spent on readmissions for Medicare patients alone, and 75% of those readmissions are considered to be preventable. Of all Medicare patients who are admitted to a hospital, 18 percent will be readmitted in […]
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