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Dr. Michael Cetta

The Day It Hit Me Just How Messed Up the Healthcare Industry Can Be

The other day I learned about a product called TRACKer Pro, and this is when it hit me just how messed up our healthcare system can be sometimes. The product’s description on its website ( pretty much tells the story: The TRACKer PRO solution is a dynamic web-based technology that provides hospitals with a powerful […]

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One Hospital Metric to Rule Them All

If you had to pick a single metric to measure a hospital, which would you choose? Of course, you can’t boil everything about a hospital down to one, single data point. Defining quality, throughput, and other factors used to evaluate a hospital is difficult business. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) tracks dozens […]

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Change at Frederick Memorial Hospital, or, Looking for Brown Ferns

The last time our emergency medicine group took over management of a new emergency department, at Bristol Hospital in Connecticut, my colleague Noah Keller wrote a post about how we try to instill our unique brand of company culture within the first days and weeks of taking over. Rather than memorizing protocols, we are memorizing people’s names, he […]

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The Time is Now for Transitional Care

Right now hospitals around the country are being asked to reckon with some stark realities regarding readmissions. $17 billion a year is spent on readmissions for Medicare patients alone, and 75% of those readmissions are considered to be preventable. Of all Medicare patients who are admitted to a hospital, 18 percent will be readmitted in […]

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Don’t Give Up on Information Technology in Healthcare

Right now, the technology exists to completely transform healthcare. A doctor should be able to walk into the room where a patient is waiting for them and get everything they need to make an informed decision about that patient’s care. Location-based technology should sense the doctor approaching and already know which patient is waiting for […]

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