Weekly Wellness: Benefit of the Doubt
Have you subscribed to Dr. Jessica Badwards’ Weekly Wellness newsletter? The thoughtful newsletter, focused on physician – and human – wellness can be delivered right to your inbox once you subscribe. This week, Dr. Badwards shares a story about an incorrect perception she had of someone at the zoo.
How often do we jump to a snap judgement about someone that we later learn is completely incorrect?
Here’s her Weekly Wellness Tip, as well as a link to her blog, where you can subscribe if you wish!
Weekly Wellness Tip
This week, try giving people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe what we see is partially clouded in our own preformed biases and thoughts. Our interactions with patients, colleagues, consultants, will likely improve if we approach them with a non-judgmental attitude.
By Dr. Jess Badwards | bewellhealwell.com