Tag: capacity-management

Level-of-Care Process Management: Getting it Right the First Time

September 12th, 2013

New regulations stemming from the Affordable Care Act and the associated push toward determining the appropriate level-of-care for patients have changed the way in which hospitals utilize resources to make this determination. Managing this process involves getting the determination of level of care early in the decision making process and performing frequent evaluations to determine […]

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Posted in Hospital Partnership

Maryland’s CRISP: Bringing Health IT into the 21st Century

September 4th, 2013

Maryland physicians striving to provide excellent care for their patients should know that data management tools don’t end at the (fire)walls of their hospital or healthcare practice. The Chesapeake Regional Information System for Patients (CRISP) is designed to impact everyone practicing medicine in the state of Maryland. For everyone from psychiatric counselors to cardiothoracic surgeons, […]

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Posted in Quality Efficiency Utilization

Hospital Capacity Management: Handling Complex Care Patients

July 31st, 2013

Among the range of groups whose care sucks up a disproportionate amount of healthcare resources, “Complex Care Patients” present a special challenge for hospital leaders seeking to improve their hospital’s capacity management. These patients require special processes and a deliberate strategy to ensure that their hospital stay isn’t prolonged further than necessary. Failure to address […]

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Posted in Quality Efficiency Utilization

Primary Care Vs. Transition Care: The Turf War that is Contributing to More 30 Day Re-Admissions

July 17th, 2013

The lack of access to primary care physicians is a well-known problem impacting our healthcare system. The problem sends all sorts of negative ripples through the system, not the least of which is increasingly crowded emergency rooms packed with patients whose conditions could have been addressed earlier and cheaper had primary care been available.

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Posted in Future of Healthcare, Transition Care

Hospital Capacity Management and the Enlightened Hospital Leader

June 11th, 2013

Nearly every hospital leader in America will tell you their hospital is all about patient-centered care. Of course, we know this isn’t true in many cases, especially when it comes to hospital capacity management. Though many institutions will deny to its last dying breath that they have any priorities that supercede patient care, nearly all […]

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Posted in Quality Efficiency Utilization

Announcing the Inaugural 2013 Observation Medicine Conference

May 30th, 2013

The use of observation medicine to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes is growing every day. But running a financially sound and high quality observation unit is a difficult task. There is a lack of knowledge and systems to properly integrate observation care into the smooth flow and operations of the hospital, not to mention […]

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Posted in Observation Care