Tag: patient-rights

America’s Healthcare System Needs a Social Contract

March 15th, 2012

As a citizen it’s easy to clamor for rights. It’s much harder to live up to our responsibilities. And so it is in health care. As citizens we have implicitly agreed to abide by a social contract, which means a person’s moral and political obligations are dependent on an agreement among them to form the […]

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Posted in Future of Healthcare

When Are ER Docs Hunting the Snark?

March 5th, 2012

The old saying about the doctor who tells a patient to “take two of these and call me in the morning” is losing its meaning in today’s modern healthcare system. Today, doctors are weary of sending their patients home without something more, usually an expensive test that either confirms or (less commonly) contradicts their diagnosis.  […]

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Posted in Life in the ER, Quality Efficiency Utilization