Tag: hospital-partnership-2
Level-of-Care Process Management: Getting it Right the First Time
September 12th, 2013by: USACS
New regulations stemming from the Affordable Care Act and the associated push toward determining the appropriate level-of-care for patients have changed the way in which hospitals utilize resources to make this determination. Managing this process involves getting the determination of level of care early in the decision making process and performing frequent evaluations to determine […]
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Maryland’s CRISP: Bringing Health IT into the 21st Century
September 4th, 2013by: Dr. Jason Giffi
Maryland physicians striving to provide excellent care for their patients should know that data management tools don’t end at the (fire)walls of their hospital or healthcare practice. The Chesapeake Regional Information System for Patients (CRISP) is designed to impact everyone practicing medicine in the state of Maryland. For everyone from psychiatric counselors to cardiothoracic surgeons, […]
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When Negotiations Break Down in a Near-Broken Healthcare System
July 17th, 2012by: Dr. Angelo Falcone
As FierceHealthCare reported a few days ago, an emergency physicians group which staffs and manages two Emergency Departments outside Philadelphia has failed to come to an agreement on reimbursement rates with the region’s largest health insurer, Blue Cross. That won’t mean that people insured by Blue Cross will stop coming to the ER, of course. But […]
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Healthcare Quality Improvement Is About Looking Back and Ahead
July 5th, 2012by: Dr. Mike Perraut
There’s an old joke told by PhDs: A doctor and a researcher are walking along a river when a drowning person floats by. The doctor jumps in and heroically saves him. A few minutes later the same thing happens again. And again. After the third rescue, the doctor looks up to see the researcher running […]
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