Tag: health-care-costs

Can More Care Actually Result in Lower Costs for All?

January 31st, 2011

I read an article recently by Dr. Atul Gawande in the New Yorker that comes as close to anything regarding making an argument that more care to the right subset of patients (Hot Spotters) may actually result in overall lower system costs.  There are some mind-boggling statistics in the article including the highest 1% of patients […]

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Posted in Future of Healthcare

Do the Right Thing – Hold the Inappropriate Antibiotics

January 26th, 2011

Recently I saw an 18 month old girl on her second course of antibiotics for an “infection”, according to the mother. The child initially had symptoms of fever associated with nasal congestion and cough and sore throat. How she or the treating physician determined she had a sore throat will always be an enigma for […]

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Posted in Quality Efficiency Utilization