Tag: electronic-health-record
What Does “Meaningful Use” Mean to You?
March 8th, 2011by: Dr. Jeremy Tucker
The passage of the HITECH Act in 2009 has lead to a rapid push to implement electronic health record (EHR) use in both the hospital setting and by outpatient providers. Unfortunately, it is not quite as simple as purchasing an EHR system from a vendor and flipping on the switch. Many organizations are now trying […]
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Pain Control and the Law of Unintended Consequences
March 3rd, 2011by: Dr. Mike Perraut
While medicine can carry an aura of nearly miraculous treatments in the minds of many of our patients, we know that there is not much we can really do to alter the disease processes for many of our patients. Relieving patients from acute pain is one of the greatest gifts physicians and nurses can offer. […]
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