Tag: ct
CT Scan Use Increasing. Now, What?
August 31st, 2011by: Dr. Angelo Falcone
A recent review of data from the University of Michigan Health System revealed what many of us working to make Emergency Departments more efficient already knew: more emergency doctors are ordering more CT scans. Using data from 1996 through 2007, researchers found nearly 1 in 7 ED patients now get a CT scan. The rate […]
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Thank You To Our Troops Fighting, And To Those Who Have Come Home To Our Emergency Rooms
August 23rd, 2011by: Dr. Angelo Falcone
The front page story of the Washington Post this weekend, “Glimpses of War,” reminded me just how easy it is to forget the thousands of troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan and the sacrifices they and their families make for our country. For most of us these are wars of distance both emotionally and in […]
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