Tag: cost-savings

We Want Our Healthcare Like We Want our Fast Food

February 24th, 2012

With due respect to those patient souls among us, America is, in general, an impatient nation. That includes how we think about our healthcare. This is why I read with some interest, and some amusement, stories like “A real ‘doc fix,’” published this week in the New York Times. Basically it says we need to […]

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Posted in Quality Efficiency Utilization

Maryland’s Health Information Exchange Helps Take the Blinders off Emergency Care

February 21st, 2012

The headline on a Washington Post story last week was enough to give almost any healthcare consumer a moment’s pause: “Maryland Hospitals to Share Patient Data.” To which a patient might respond, “Wait, You Mean Hospitals Don’t Share Data Now?” We see it in the Emergency Department all the time. Patients come in who have […]

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Posted in Future of Healthcare