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Dr. Orlee Panitch

Doctors Turned Politicians Still Love Working Clinically

On March 6th, 2013, the day of the SNOWQUESTER, three very brave emergency physicians decided to take on the elements (which turned out to not be quite so elemental as the weather forecasters had predicted) and travel to the Capitol for the 12th Annual George Washington University Emergency Medicine Capitol Hill Day. I was invited as […]

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Update from the 2011 ACEP Leadership & Advocacy Conference

“Our commitment to our patients is no longer limited to the clinical skills we demonstrate in the emergency department. Due to the changing dynamics of health care, our profession requires stellar leadership as well as political effectiveness.” – from ACEP’s webpage advertising Leadership and Advocacy Conference, 2011.  The 2011 ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference is […]

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The New ACOs

A new day is rising in the world of healthcare. As the days pass, more and more of the provisions of the ACA are being tested, and implemented. And, the new kid on the block is the ACO — the Accountable Care Organization. ACOs have been discussed for the past year. Lots of discussion and […]

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Recruiting Challenges in Emergency Medicine

With U.S. unemployment figures hovering at about 9.7%, the emergency care provider (physician, physician assistant and nurse practitioner) has continued to be a hunted commodity. Indeed, there are approximately 22,000 board certified emergency physicians currently in practice. Staffing each ED in the US with just one board certified physician at a time would require 40,000 physicians. […]

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